
Thanks for visiting! I’m Colleen.

I’m lucky enough to live and work in Boulder, Colorado. I first dreamed of living in Colorado when I was about 12 years old. I’m a creative at heart and love making music, painting, photography, and fiber arts; my mind is always dreaming up new projects. I own a six-year-old anxious Golden/Aussie mix, who I’m learning from every day. I hold friendships close to my heart these days.

My Intent and Guidelines

My intent with starting this blog in 2019 was to document my first marathon training journey. As of 2024, I’ve run countless ultras (yes, I really have lost track, maybe close to 16) and completed three trail 100 milers. It’s weird to write about myself, and initially this idea started as a private journal. I found myself looking for lots of personal accounts on training during this experience, so it’s for you, dear reader, to take what you will from my words. Thanks for following along!

Some acknowledgements and check-ins before I start this blog:

  • I am not a doctor or nutrition expert.
  • I can’t speak for others and will avoid making generalizations.
  • These stories and experiences are only my own.
  • I hold a lot of privilege in the outdoor (and indoor) world as a white, healthy female from a middle-class background. Traveling to run, access and money to parks, and financially supporting my goals (etc.) are privileges.
  • I will accept and appreciate comments, but will remove and block inappropriate messages and users.
  • I am constantly learning and editing. The internet is a big place.